Internet Ad Spend Favors Display
Last year, 2013, global ad spend was $503 billion. Much of the Internet space has been dominated by the likes of Google but social is now becoming a major player in the global ad spend. Facebook and Twitter both are going to play their part in the advertising shift. Zenith predicts by 2015 Internet display will overtake paid search ($74.4b vs. $71.1b).

In 2013 mobile ads ranked in at $13.4 billion which accounted for about 13% of the Internet ad spend and 2.7% of global ad spend. However, by 2016 this number can rise to $45 billion (or 28% of Internet ad spend and 7.6% global ad spend).
“Mobile will leapfrog radio, magazines and outdoor to become the world’s fourth-largest medium by the end of our forecast period,” the researchers at ZenithOptimedia write.

Display is taking over for a number reasons:
- Facebook (with over a billion users and soon to be one billion mobile users) places a high value on static and display ads. They also provide a wealth of data about users and give advertisers advanced tools to cater display ads to the user base.
- Online video, such as YouTube, will continue to dominate.
- Advanced PPC features that allow richer product information, images within ads, localization of search results, and options like click-to-call are blending display with paid search.
“We predict internet advertising will increase its share of the ad market from 20.7% in 2013 to 27.1% in 2016, while newspapers and magazines will continue to shrink at an average of 1%‐2% a year,” the researchers write. “Internet advertising overtook newspaper advertising for the first time in 2013, and we forecast it to exceed the combined total of newspaper and magazine advertising in 2015.”
adQuadrant, Display, and You
This rise in online & mobile advertising is truly an eye-opener. Just under a decade ago it would be hard to imagine how impactful mobile would become in the world of advertising. Faster Internet connection, new technologies, and social has paved the way so that display has become the new norm.
adQuadrant’s display solutions offer entry into the top ad networks, which allows us to optimize ad spend and determine where the most conversions start.
Our reach allows us to manage your display inventory cost effectively across a wide range of networks and sources. Our technology and insights allow us to target at scale. We provide campaign development, a customized media plan, daily bid management to maximize ROI and weekly reports and performance reviews.
If you’d like to maximize performance at the most efficient cost across the top ad networks when working with display than do not hesitate and get in touch with us. Let’s work together and be part of this momentous growth we’re seeing predicted in the coming years.