Gaining Direct ROI from Social Channels
But then things began to sink in.
Merely updating a Facebook fan page, sending out a few Tweets, pinning items to Pinterest, or creating an app for the Website didn’t quite give the expected return on investment.
Some blamed the social media sites. Others blame the business owners. Ultimately it comes down to the fact that just because there IS a platform it DOESN’T mean you’ll build meaningful connections because this is largely due in part to the strategy brands are using for their direct response.
How to Get REAL Response from Social
Mobile Customer Service Needs to be Serious
Customer service needs to expand to multi-channel support. Consider that most young people check their phones nearly every 10 minutes. During that time they may require assistance.
An adaptive and rapid response will quickly alleviate any issues and as a result keep users actively engaged with the brand leading to a an ease in collecting customer data then used to improve direct response strategies.
Gamification isn’t just for the Kids
Gamification brings entertainment to otherwise mundane tasks or used in a way to encourage users to explore the presented options. Adding layers of gamification which rewards users when they take action will create a compelling reason for them to frequently return to your brand. Each time they return presents your business with the opportunity to guide them deeper through the sales funnel.
The gamification greases the progression because the activities are fun and engaging. Once they’re at the end they will have felt part of an experience which heightens their emotional response and allows businesses to slip in their call-to-action without being to confrontational.
It’s Time to Quantify and Qualify
Merely placing all of your effort and budget into growing your subscriber, like, and follower count will soon reveal much of the efforts have been in vain. Numbers look great on paper but the numbers you should place focus upon is the number of actual engagement and conversion.
Exclusivity is a term you should embrace.
- Develop new, sub-channels exclusive to verified customers which provides additional support, faster customer service response, and additional offers.
- Quantify your analytics and engagement, then purge the records of those no longer willing to participate so that you may focus your efforts on those that matter.
- Utilize untapped acquisition channels where users haven’t been burned by an oversaturation of marketing, then place your efforts into sustainable, fixed growth via personal, direct response actions and campaigns tailored to these sub-communities.
Parting Words
ROI will come about on your relentless efforts placed into social media and its various options available to reach and connect with its users. When you shift your focus from superficial numbers (likes, comments, shares) toward ones like conversions you will devise stronger campaigns for your social media marketing. Work within qualified information and social media will present its rewards.