Five Content Curation Tools for the Busy Marketer
Take this into consideration:
- 70% of Americans are on social networking sites
- 70% of those check their Facebook daily
- 49% check Instagram daily
- 36% check Twitter daily
… and the rest of the numbers for other sites are as high as you can imagine [1].

There’s no “secret formula” to how often you should post to your social feeds but some have taken an attempt at creating a general guideline [2]…

For a marketer that’s constantly creating and managing new campaigns you can see that even just taking 20-30 minutes (maybe even an hour) each day to find and share content can quickly become tedious at best. You could quickly spend 5-10 hours each week just finding content to share.
The immediate option may be to find someone to manage your social media but even if you paid them a minimum wage it still becomes hundreds of dollars each week. There are easier options, right? Of course.
Content curation tools were created for exactly as they sound… they curate content from around the Web based on keywords, popularity, and the like, so that you can get a digest of what’s going on in a particular industry or interest and then easily share these pieces of content to your social feeds. By using content curation service and tools you see where you can save money & time while simultaneously keep engagement up with your community.
There are more than a dozen content curation tools [3] [4] [5] to choose from but to simplify the selection so you can get started sooner than later the recommendations come down to: (Tutorial)
Feedly (Tutorial)
PostPlanner (Tutorial)
Edgar (Tutorial)
Swayy (Tutorial)
Each of these have individual quirks but as you can imagine the platforms are somewhat the same with little nuances. The bulk of what you would do is to use the platforms to find interesting people, setup feeds from blogs, or search within their curated lists to find content that applies to your keywords and community interest.
Next you will have the ability to link accounts (like Facebook, Twitter, and the like) so you can automatically publish those interesting tid-bits of content to your feed. Some of these platforms also allow you to schedule your posts so in one afternoon you could clear a week (or more) of the content posting and be on your way.
Ultimately you will need to remember that these are tools and that not all of your social interaction needs to be automated. It’s good to be active on your feeds to post something personal or interact with others as they interact with you. Put these tools to good use and keep up the social aspect of it all and you’ll easily save days’ worth of your monthly work time so you can focus on the bigger marketing efforts.
Give one a try and see what you think.
Image by Geralt