Cheap, High Converting Traffic from Facebook: A Simple Set of Actions
Knowing the type of individual that makes up your audience gives you the ability to create custom audiences (a feature in Facebook advertising) to deliver direct, tailored messages.
For example, let’s use an example of musicians that use guitars and as if you are operating a website that tailors to these individuals. You would ideally include at least three of the major selections:
- Acoustic
- Electric
- Bass
On your site you would have pages and content dedicated to each of these types. This also means that your social, SEO, paid, and email marketing actions would vary depending on which category of content you’re sending people.
Two amazing things happen now:
1. You’re gaining targeted data on those visiting a specific category
2. You’re able to use that data in Facebook advertising to create targeted campaigns
This is where Facebook custom audiences come into play. Your site, and its targeted content, provides a backbone for your FB ad campaign because it’s the first location where you can test targeted offers. Upon seeing a response you can then take that data and knowledge to the FB ad platform to create these custom audiences, based on your audience types, and often use the very same offers listed on the site for the advertising campaign (or as the ideal landing page).
With all this in mind – here is how you can get this in motion (in just a few simple steps):
1. Collect your website data and create a list of popular landing pages
2. Break down that list of popular web pages by their topic category and assign a keyword
3. Go to and click ‘Create Custom Audience’
4. Choose ‘Custom Audience from your Website’, read the terms, agree, and continue
5. Copy and paste the provided Custom Audience Pixel code onto your website then click the ‘Create Audience’
6. Fill in the Audience Name (with one of your keywords), description, and then expand the options by selecting ‘View Custom Audience Pixel’; here you can place your website and those landing pages to create targeted custom audiences – then click ‘Create’
Once you’re done adding all the categories and URL’s to custom audiences you should now have an excellent starting point for creating targeted ads on Facebook.

By using your data pulled from the popular pages you’ll target those that have already showed an interest in those categories which will greatly reduce the cost of the advertising and should increase the clickthrough and interaction.
Stumped and need guidance with Facebook advertising? Don’t go into it alone. Get in touch with us at adQuadrant and learn how bring your Facebook advertising efforts to the next level.