General Assembly
In the first 30 days, adQuadrant secured 5.5k new email addresses through an eBook download campaign at 258% ROAS. By month 3, they generated nearly 10k email address at 370% ROAS while decreasing the CPA by $5.
↑ 14k Event Signups in the First 90 Days
↑ 758% First 90 Days Event Ad Campaign ROAS
↑ 370% First 90 Days ROAS
Premier education resource for training, staffing and career transitions used Facebook advertising to acquire potential customers for their online and in-person courses. Client had previously worked with another marketing partner, but return on advertising spend (ROAS) was low and budget was not used efficiently, preventing them from scaling.
adQuadrant initiated a new event advertising strategy to generate signups to online and in-person introductory courses, significantly reducing conversion time and accelerating positive cash flow. They maximized the client’s budget by analyzing different scheduling and spend strategies, significantly decreasing CPA. Utilizing insight into audience data and demographics, they aided the client in understanding their target demographic and areas of opportunity for further targeting at scale.
adQuadrant boosted campaign performance and improved efficiency for the client’s social media investment.
In the first 30 days, adQuadrant secured 5.5k new email addresses through an eBook download campaign at 258% ROAS. By month 3, they generated nearly 10k email address at 370% ROAS while decreasing the CPA by $5.
Event ad campaigns produced over 14k course signups at ROAS of 758% in 90 days, generating $2 million in revenue.